Friday, September 16, 2011

Disney Mania

I admit it. I am a TOTAL sucker for kids movies, particularly those of the Disney variety. I really am an 8-year-old at heart sometimes. Most of the movies I see in the theatre these days are kids movies and I have been known to drag a date along now and then (they have been remarkably patient about this). 
Many of the more recent children's movies are full of the charm and creativity that I have found lacking in most of today's blockbusters. So often, I go to see a movie and find myself experiencing deja vu. Casting different actors in the same roles does not actually change the plot... Though I still enjoy these movies, none of them are quite as enjoyable to watch as a seemingly simple children's film. 
The other night, for instance, Leanne and I sat don for the evening to watch Tangled, which is my favorite Disney movie ever and very high up there on my all time list. The magical story, the charming music, the thoroughly three dimensional characters and the excellent wit of the film makes me smile no matter how many times I watch it. I could rave about the merits of Tangled all day, but I imagine I would bore most of you. However, I will say that if other filmmakers put half the effort into their explosions into their characters, far more memorable and beloved films would be produced. 

Just my little thought for the day. 

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