Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Of Movies and Halloween

Hello all,
First off, I must apologize for the delay in this post. I had a project and several midterms last week (all of which went rather well, by the way), so blogging had to be set on the back burner for a while.
Since my last update, I have kept up rather well with my resolution. My movie experience now includes Beetlejuice, Little Shop of Horrors and The Shining. Though I felt the Beetlejuice dragged a bit, I loved Little Shop of Horrors and The Shining. Little Shop was hilarious, with fantastic musical performances and an incredibly quirky plot. The whole carnivorous plant makes me wonder what sort of drugs the writer was on at the time, but the overall result was a fun movie that I'd happily watch again and again.
In The Shining, I see a brilliantly put together horror movie. I have always been drawn more to psychological horror and suspense than blood and gore. I feel that The Shining handled itself beautifully. As a filmmaker, I greatly admire the cinematography of The Shining. Every shot was aligned beautifully to maximize the overall impact. However as a viewer, that was a really bad night to be alone in my apartment.
On a different note, I am incredibly excited for Halloween! I love getting dressed up and the excuse to do so, makes Halloween one of my favorite holidays. Also, my sister is coming to visit me this weekend, and I plan on having her help me carve some of the 7 pumpkins that are currently sitting on my windowsill. Between that and baking cookies, I expect to have a rather fun day. Though the exact nature of my costume is still a work in progress, I am having a ton of fun with it. Now I just have to find some sort of Halloween even at which to wear it...

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