Thursday, January 30, 2014

My First Day

As we all know, internships are valuable learning experiences. And today I learned about running errands, washing dishes and stairs.

Please, take that as the intended joke because in all reality, I am super excited about this internship and had a fantastic first day. When I first arrived, I was greeted once again by Benji, the adorable pomeranian who made me smile right away. Things were a bit chaotic first thing in the morning so mostly I got a glass of water and stayed out of the way until things calmed down a bit. I met Tash, the runner of the company and the woman I would be working most closely with. In a company like this, the runner is pretty much what it sounds like. They run errands, make sure every room is stocked with what it needs and generally makes everything run smoothly. For the duration of the internship, I will be assisting her and helping out wherever I can.

Following the initial rush of everyone getting in and settled, Tash walked me around the building which is on three floors plus the ground floor (which is just an entry way). We have 9 studio rooms to keep an eye on, all with different equipment and such. Downstairs, producers and directors from BBC and other companies come in and cut together their trailers and promos. Once that's finished, the work goes upstairs for final audio and video tweaking. Usually, the producers can do the first cut themselves and the specialists in our company help them with the rest.

So first thing in the morning, Tash makes sure that there's fresh fruit and water in each of the studios that is being used that day (I'll be helping there). As clients start to arrive we make sure they're settled and offer coffee, tea, or other beverages. We have most of it on hand but if there's a special request like a latte, we run out and get it. My first run of the day was across the way to Starbucks for a latte. This was also my first lesson of the day because I realized that places in the UK don't automatically hand you your receipt. You have to ask for it. And because we log these receipts, I needed one. So I was able to run back and get it.

The rest of the morning was mostly spent making drinks, checking on clients, washing dishes and, of course, meeting the other people in the company. If you know me, I'm terrible with names but I'm getting there. I definitely remember Jon, the man in charge and Rachel, my official supervisor in addition to Tash. And I know how Jon likes his tea.

Around 12:30, we asked around and made a lunch run. Since there were two of us, Tash and I split the orders and I found myself headed to Leon, a Mediterranean fast food place, list in hand. All these little errands were a wonderful chance to explore Soho, and I'm loving that part, despite the rain. At least it wasn't too cold!
Once all the clients were fed, I had the chance to run out for my own lunch and grabbed a pulled pork sandwich around the corner. It was yummy, but I think I'll go for something less messy next time!
Our afternoon was much quieter since everyone was hard at work, but there were still a few more errands. A fun one was getting to run out to an adorable little store of cute infant things, most of them handmade. My mission was to pick up a gift for a client who had just had a baby. I love all the little shops in the area and look forward to browsing them when I have a chance.
Once I was back from that, there was a bit of down time where I got to hug Benji and sit with Rachel (a different one) while she showed Tash some things on Avid. I was excited to learn a few things but also that I was recognizing bits and pieces from my classes, which makes me feel like I won't be ENTIRELY out of my depth in a professional world.

Also, Tash said she was really impressed with how fast I was picking things up! I guess I did pretty well figuring out the spreadsheets (they aren't that different than the ones I made for Mostly Harmless Designs) and puttering when I didn't have direct tasks to do (thanks for that skill, Mom!) so I am feeling pretty proud of myself and how I did for my first day.

More details will come after some more experiences and when I'm less exhausted! In the meantime, please enjoy this amazing dog I get to hang out with!

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